Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 41, February 10, 2013

We made Flat Annie a scarf,
she just wasn't dressed for CT
winter weather!

My new "Slide Lock," makes
cutting large pieces of fabric
so easy, no movement, straight lines.
Another rag quilt cut in minutes.

Outside, another day of clean-up.
David is so helpful!!!
Deck is completely finished.

How Hank wants to help his brother...

It is so fun to watch Hank go out in
 the deep snow.  He bounds through with
such ease.  He stuck his head in the
snow and pulled out a stick!

Just laid down and chewed on his stick,
breaks it into pieces and moves on,
one busy pup!

Hank does get snowballs on his face.
I must take him in and put warm
wash towels on his face and legs to
melt the snow.  Then he wants
to go out again... 

A look up from the bottom of the driveway.
Lots of ice, but the sunshine is out
and melting the snow and ice.

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