My baby, hanging out at the top
of the stairs. One of his favorite spots.
Southern Connecticut Modern Quilt Guild
Our official name.
We meet at the Westport Library,
always a pretty view of the river,
no matter what season.
December Photo Challenge
Quilting Guild December Meeting.
A number of our members made
quilts using the curved ruler
by "Sew Kind of Wonderful"
I am going to make one of
these quilts, think I will make
"Urban Winter." So,
they inspired me!

Betsy is so talented, makes the most
amazing quilts, all different types.
Another quilt Betsy made, using the
same "magic" ruler a different way.
I also love her choice of backing fabrics.
Lori made this quilt using the same ruler,
this is her first quilt, amazing!
Did the quilting herself!
We had a "Bee"
Making inset circles.
If you chose, you make a block,
learn something new and one lucky
member wins them all. Suzanne
won our first "Bee."
It will be interesting to see
what she does with these
great inset circles...
Michelle made this "Modern" quilt,
Just used scraps and made wonky
"Log Cabins" blocking them in white.
Michelle's little quilt.
I love this idea, you can try and learn
without the commitment to an entire quilt!
Eileen made this fantastic quilt
to cover a fireplace she doesn't like.
She made this pattern and the quilting
is beautiful. The binding had a little
flange along the edge, nice touch!
Gail, does all sorts of different types
of quilts, etc. I just loved this heart quilt.
It has inspired Sharon and to run the
next Bee. We both love paper piecing
and are going to teach the girls
how to paper piece hearts.
We are also going to try and make
a video. Quilting easy, video making
not so much!
This is Sheri's first quilt and she
quilted it by hand!!!
She also made a few flannel
scarves that she is giving to
co-workers for the Christmas.
This is a darling hanging that
Gail made with felt,
I just love it!!!
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