Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 341, December 8, 2012

Hank steals a towel early on in the cooking process.
I let him keep it and he carries the towel
around all day, helping me cook.

YUMMY!  Latkes, a family favorite,
this is just the start...

Hank and his towel.

Our mantel, ready for the first night of Hanukkah!

The table is ready.  Decided to open first,
then eat this year.

Julia and David

Our first menorah, so many memories,
good times, lots of laughs.

Michael loves America and crazy socks!

David and duck socks.  Hunting and guns,
a new theme at the Langer Household!

Al's camo gloves.

Julia and David, looks like they are having fun!

Julia's new necklace and David's new
ear protection for the gun range.

Flannel = soft and warm,
Al's favorite material.


Al and his new camo hat
with light, the perfect
gift from his boys!

Michael loves him some camo!
This is from David, but I had
actually bought the same thing
for Michael, great minds
think alike!

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