Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 143, May 23, 2013

Hank is always willing
to pose for picture of the day!
He has the Col. Mustard
moustache going on...

So, Michael's all time favorite movie
is "Step Brothers."  He tells me I must see it.
I find this three DVD package and figure
I will watch and then give it to him.
Yes, I am a 13 year old boy!
Watched "Step Brothers" and
"Talladega Nights" back to back.
I have heard both David and Michael
recount both of these stories so many
times, it all came together and made
sense, some what.  I always say "you need
to laugh every day," well, I laughed.
Thank you Will Ferrell for letting
us just get away from it all and laugh!

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